Jan 2, 20213 min

Ignorance is bliss

- Why do my eyes hurt?
- Because you’ve never used them before.

That old saying is quite true: Ignorance is bliss. Willful blindness is the easiest way to go through life, no questions asked and with the automatic pilot on. But have you ever dared to ask “at what cost?” What will it cost you to purposely spend every day avoiding the important questions regarding your purpose on this earth and the ways of life in general? I mean, it’s way easier to never challenge your own intellect to find the wrong in your ways; it’s much easier to simply take things as given and disregard the pursuit of knowledge. Because opening your eyes hurt, as you realize all that's wrong ith the world and all the evil that exists in it.

It is much easier to simply take things as given and disregard the pursuit of knowledge.

Life is much more complicated than we think it is. Shocker. And yet we all act as if every issue could simply be solved by a sudden change in social structure. Everyone calls for the overthrowing of the system and propose absolutely nothing to replace it. It’s much easier to tear things down than to build them up. As an example, many people believe that the flawed system that is responsible for all the evil in the world is the so called “oppressive patriarchy”. For others it is capitalism. Looking at issues as consequences of only one variable is a dangerous oversimplification, and breeds hatred, social division and hurtful ideologies that do nothing other than fill people’s minds with pure, unrestricted hate.

The first step to opening your eyes is not blindly following whatever the majority is saying and doing. However obvious that may seem, most people do this. Most people simply swallow what the media shows them and tells them, they simply listen to the loudest voices and take that as a given, because challenging things is hard, it takes courage. Remember this post the next time you hear something that is presented as an obvious truth, for example, that women are oppressed. This has become common knowledge, and yet no one challenges it. And those who do are called misogynists, bigots, or why not, racists (lol). You know what I’m talking about.

Most people simply swallow what the media shows them and tells them, they simply listen to the loudest voices and take that as a given, because challenging things is hard, it takes courage.

The call to action here is that you start to challenge the information that is presented to you, and not simply accept it as true, but rather engage in the intellectual exercise of challenging, taking it apart, researching it and finding out what the actual truth is. And hey, this will hurt sometimes. Because there are many things that we think are obviously true that simply are not, and it is not easy to realize that you’ve been misled and lied to for some years. But pain is a necessary consequence of the pursuit of truth.

The choice is yours: open your eyes and challenge what you think you know and accept the fact that you will be hurt many times while pursuing the truth, while also becoming stronger, wiser and kinder; or put the automatic pilot on, close your eyes and numbly enjoy the same comfortable ride that everyone else is living.
