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Oh it's the 20th of April, a joyous day! The day when everyone has an excuse to get high, because hey, its 4/20. If you smoke weed on a regular basis, chances are, you are a loser. If you excitedly wait for the 20th of april to get high and post about it on social media you're cringe, and also, probably a loser.

(Yes, I know the monkey is probably smoking something other than weed, but it's a free country)

Having heard every and all argument in support of weed from my marihuana-loving friends, I still am not convinced. Let me start off with an anecdote. I smoked weed once. I was at a trip with all of my school classmates. It was kind of fun, but when it wore off I realized a couple of hours had went by and I had wasted nearly a whole day with two other dudes laughing dumbly in our hotel rooms. What a goddamn waste of time. I have come to dislike marihuana more and more, as I've witnessed the effects its long term use has had in friends of mine that were once motivated, highly energetic, and fun to hang out with. This is my opinion, so feel free to be offended by it. However, if you are offended by a random guy on the internet calling you a loser for smoking pot, you probably have an addiction problem.

Here are some reasons why marihuana sucks ass.

I have come to dislike marihuana more and more, as I've witnessed the effects its long term use has in friends of mine that were once motivated, highly energetic, and fun to hang out with.

It makes you lazy

I don't want to hear about how much more creative you are when you smoke. Unless you are one of the very few artists that actually use weed at very specific times to create beautiful works, this is simply a cope. No, weed doesn't "make you more creative" for your 9-5 job. And also, weed doesn't "make you more creative" if you are a "artist" that does nothing but get high and write shitty music. What weed actually does is make you lazy, low energy, and plain boring. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. It pacifies you, makes you lame and weak. That's exactly the kind of man that you do not want to be, especially considering the current state of the west. Men need, now more than ever, to be strong and driven, not lazy and dull.

You stink, bro

Marihuana smells terribly. It smells like decadence and uncleanliness. And your whole house stinks. Your clothes too. You smell like fungus and moss, all the time. Besides, not only do you stink because of the weed, but because your room is dirty and disorganized. You know it, and I know it.

It makes you eat junk

Oh the munchies! How funny. I love 4/20 because I can smoke all the pot I want and eat chips and have dorito fingers all day without anyone judging me. Weed makes you hungry, and you won't be awake enough to cook a steak, so you'll end up eating trash. The crunched chips all over yourself and your couch are not a pretty sight to see.

I love 4/20 because I can smoke all the pot I want and eat chips and have dorito fingers all day without anyone judging me.

It is highly addictive

Yes it is, and you know it. Please stop showing me studies, I do not care. The fact that you have to defend it so strongly means that you are highly addictive. Don't believe me? Quit for a year. If it isn't addictive then you'll have no problem. Why is it so addictive? Because you can smoke daily and still kind of function, so people around you (and yourself) won't realize that you have a problem. But you do have a problem. No, it's not okay to wake up and smoke a joint, ever. Stop it.

It's ALL you talk about

Your whole identity revolves around a plant. That's how you know you need to change some stuff up. All you think about is marihuana, all you talk about is marihuana, and you smell and look like it. Your red eyes, oily and dirty skin, and overall unkempt look are enough to know that all you do is sit around being lazy with a joint in your hand. You excitedly expect the 20th of April, so that you can act out the exact same destrucive habit that you do every day, but with global support. That's sad. You try to convince everyone around you that weed is good for you, while they look at you sadly and wonder what the hell happened to you and why in God's name are you so skinny and weird.

Weed sucks. Weed is for losers. And even if you do it from time to time, you'll probably end up doing it more and more frequently, so quit it completely right now. Be someone your children will be proud of, not someone that is controlled by a foul smelling plant.

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